Sunday, June 12, 2005

Bored Games

Dating strategy, successful or unsuccessful, adds a whole new element to the internet thing. Without realizing I’ve been doing it, over the last 8 months of internet dating, I have cobbled together a set of rules, adding some with each new foray. Sometimes, I don’t follow my own rules though, the way sometimes a batter will ignore the manager’s signal to drop a bunt along the third base line to advance the runner and instead hits a little bloop single into shallow center field where the CF and the SS can’t get to it because they were looking for the bunt (and then the batter has to give a little so there smirk back towards the dugout). This baseball analogy is lame because I made the rules, so I only have myself to smirk at. And I can’t tell if this latest game plan will result in an easy out, or an RBI. But it’s more fun than Scrabble. And Scrabble is pretty fun.

Oh, and p.s. it's not REALLY a game to me. I'm too competitive.


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