Monday, August 22, 2005

Stupid People Piss Me Off

Last night, we stayed in Bangor, Maine, a sad little town lacking identity, character, and decent restaurants. Our hotel, right downtown, was also a bit sad on the outside, but there was an art show in the lobby, and the room was clean if bare. The problem we had arose not from the hotel, or even the town, but from people who haven’t been trained to behave well, or even just to not behave poorly. Sadly, a group of twenty somethings decided to drink too much then stand in the square outside our window and yell from midnight till four a.m. when I finally woke the concierge to ask him to please make them stop. They were actually sort of apologetic when he did. Which begged the question, did they not notice that their voices were echoing around market square in the fog for four hours after bedtime? Is it possible that they actually thought it was a GOOD idea to yell drunkenly while others tried to sleep? I don’t mind drunk. I’ve been drunk myself before. But I do mind it when drunk is synonymous with asshole.


Blogger hester said...

I don't know why this is such an appealing activity to native Mainers. I do know that my bedroom window is above a parking lot in downtown Portland, and that my bedroom window in my last apartment was above a public square in downtown Portland, and that I know EXACTLY what you're talking about.

August 28, 2005 2:58 PM  

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